Why Invest?
Investment Properties
Cornerstone Wealth Management identifies properties that should provide their investors with the best return possible, we assist the investor acquire them and we work with the investor to find the right property manager to manage them on behalf of our investors. The properties are strategically chosen specifically to yield a solid, ongoing rental income and growth potential for our investors.
Why Invest in Property?
You may be asking yourself why property is the best investment choice.
One objective of the Cornerstone Wealth Management armoury is to ensure that those investors that are committed to the property investment process are qualified to look after their own money. We feel, with the right education and know how you are the best person to make the decisions to handle your own affairs as opposed to a financial institution to manage on your behalf (but some financial institutions have had a long proven record as well). Cornerstone Wealth Management believe, you can yield returns just as high as or higher than many of the Banks, insurance and investment companies traditionally offer (note that historical performance of property is not always an indicator that it will always do the same – you should carefully explore all your options before diving into any one strategy).
The Right Property At The Right Price in The Right Area Might Set You Up For Financial Freedom
Cornerstone Wealth Management aims to equip investors with the knowledge and tools to enable them to take immediate action, while also providing the comprehensive services of our affiliate partners and professionals including:
- Financial Planners;
- Home Loan Specialists;
- Specialist Trust Lawyers;
- Risk Advisors;
- Chartered Accountants;
- Property Strategists;
- Rental Management Agents;
- Conveyancers.
Common questions we have investors ask are:
- What do we do to not end up like our parents?
- How do we lead a life of prosperity, independence and freedom?
- How do we live the way we want to and deserve to?
- We want to retire in retirement not struggle! What can we do?
- We want to spend more time with family and friends – what can we do now to make a difference?
Whilst no-one can guarantee positive results to all these questions, what can be said is that if you fail to plan your planning on failing and taking some steps towards your retirement is better than taking none – even if it means just reading and researching. Educating yourself is where it starts and its great that you are already on that journey by coming to and reading this page.
Financial Independence Through Property Investment
Our belief (but we are unable to guarantee) our methods are one way to become fnancially independent and achieve fnancial freedom through property.
We understand that the investor works really hard for money and we understand that the smart thing to do is to get your money to work for you.
And when it comes to your property portfolio, your tenants, the banks, your team of property investment experts and even the tax man (when we refer to the tax man we are referring to section 15-15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 which I a provision that means you can deduct expenses against income you are generating under a profit making plan such as buying an investment property).
What ever it is – between us and our affiliate partners we will try our best to make sure that each of these things will be working hard on your behalf.
Our professional team, advisors and affiliate partners offer comprehensive guidance in planning and implementing strategies to build successful property investment portfolios. Our aim at Cornerstone Wealth Management is to show ordinary Australians how to retire financially free, by using universal and fundamental investment principals and knowledge.
Important things you will learn and benefit from by becoming a client (with the use of our services and the use of the services of our strategic partners):
- How to make money with OPM (Other People’s Money);
- How to use OPT (Other People’s Time);
- How to ensure I best use OPE (Other People’s Effort);
- How I can benefit from OPK (Other People’s Knowledge);
- Minimise Income Tax through property – see section 15-15 Income Tax Assessment Act 1997
- Using financial techniques to increase the internal rate of return.
- Protect your assets by using financial structures.
- Using refinancing strategies to work with your current portfolio to ensure the most suitable loan for your circumstances
- Save money on the creation of trusts.
- Gain insight into the incredible power of property investment