But against a backdrop of soaring property prices in many regional areas, capital city budgets may not stretch as far as they once did in some popular coastal and country locations.
“There have been a few [city buyers] ring up thinking they can buy a property for less than half of its worth, and I say I can’t help you,” said Matt Knight – a buyer’s agent and director of Precium – of the NSW south coast market.
Thankfully, most buyers are more clued in by now on the rapid price growth seen in the regions, particularly areas that have seen an influx of demand from tree and sea-changers amid the pandemic. However, many were frustrated by the high prices and low stock levels, with some clients spending a year searching before they engaged his services, Mr Knight said.
For those city slickers considering a sea or tree change, here’s what you can expect to get for capital city prices.
With Sydney’s median house price at a record of about $1.41 million, the odds of buying a larger home in the regions at that price point are still pretty good – but don’t let your imagination run too wild.
Source: Domain